
Powerful ways your B2B content can convert


Setting objectives at the outset of a campaign or project can be challenging for content marketers and creators. The content landscape is ever-changing, making it difficult to settle on a consistent strategy for what to produce and drive sales.

In the end, even if you’re not offering the most exciting product, excellent B2B content marketing is all about providing customers with engaging, resolving, and relevant content. With the right insights, you can still reach your audience with valuable content that drives your business forward and ultimately, converts into sales.

Interested in learning the steps to take? Read on for some actionable tips on how to make your B2B content more enticing for sales conversion, from crafting a gripping story to refining the material’s layout.

5 ways to set your B2B content ready for conversion

1. Create a content marketing plan
Having a well-thought-out plan is crucial, especially when promoting your business. Establishing company objectives and goals, outlining target audiences, and pain points can all be done with the aid of a content marketing plan. Also, it aids in identifying the content formats and subject areas that businesses should focus on.

B2B companies need to know what they hope to accomplish with their content before they can choose the right content types (videos, images, infographics, etc.) and distribution channels to promote it.

Here are some ideas for content marketing goals for your content marketing plan:

  • Branding – Content marketing is used by professionals in marketing and communications to mold and relay a brand’s story, differentiate it from the competition, and position it as an authority in its industry.
  • Awareness – The more people that visit your website, the more people will become aware of your brand thanks to content marketing.
  • Lead generation – Certain forms of content marketing can inspire interested parties to provide their contact details, which can be used to initiate a conversation and, perhaps, lead to purchases.
  • Customer loyalty – Content marketing that works is based on questions like, “What problems, needs, or questions do potential and current customers need help with?” “What kind of content gets people really engaged?” This is why more people will trust and stick with the brand.

2. Try out different content types
Finding out what forms of content are most successful for your company requires some trial and error. Marketers have a wide range of content options at their disposal, including memes, videos, infographics, case studies, eBooks and whitepapers, customer testimonials, blog posts, influencer marketing, and more.

3. Keep up with the times
There is a remarkable quantity of new content being published every day, therefore it’s crucial that yours gets noticed. When marketing to other businesses, you are likely pitching an answer to a universal problem. Do research if you need help identifying the problems faced by your target audience or coming up with solutions.

  • Talk to customers – It’s surprising how many new ideas may come from just a short conversation over the phone or over email.
  • Search forums – Insight into the topics being discussed by people in the field can be gained in this manner.
  • Find out what people are asking – Find out what people want to be answered by using a platform like AnswerThePublic (It’s great for brainstorming SEO-friendly content ideas.)

As an alternative, making your content as helpful and relevant as possible is much more effective than writing attention-grabbing headlines. If you want your content to really resonate with your readers, consider these suggestions:

  • Personalize content for each distinct audience, organization, and stakeholder.
  • Create content that addresses the issues faced by your target audience or meets a demand they have.
  • Think about where they are in the purchasing cycle and what it is that they require from you. They may benefit greatly from a how-to guide or case study if they are at the point of consideration. A blog might be useful if they are in the awareness stage.

4. Make use of storytelling
Everybody enjoys a good narrative that is compelling and appealing and satisfying. A compelling narrative arc helps the reader visualize themselves in the story’s setting, which in turn makes the piece more relevant.

Case studies are great for conveying information and creating compelling stories. Even if you have settled on a blog post or instructional guide, you may still include a brief case study with fictitious or real-life individuals to drive your message. Mini-case studies using either made-up or real-life scenarios and characters can be a useful addition to any type of writing, whether it’s a blog post, a how-to guide, or something similar.

5. Analyze the B2B content marketing strategies of competitors
Assess the content marketing best practices in your industry and look at which channels and content your competitors are employing to engage their audiences. Where can you get information about the most current thought leadership topics? To what extent does your business participate in such discussions? This suggestion can be very insightful and does not take a lot of time.

Let us help you
Although content remains king, content marketing is becoming increasingly crowded and competitive. Take a step back from your daily schedule and set aside time to refine your strategy and your B2B content marketing methods if you want to achieve your business goals.

At Convergence Concepts, we have worked on B2B content creation projects with established MNCs. We can look at your problem from a new angle and provide our expertise. With our knowledge and skills in the areas of strategy, creativity, experience design, and digital media, we are qualified to create specialized B2B content for your clientele, both future and existing. Reach out to us at marketing@convergenceconcepts.com.sg to inquire more!